Visa and Mastercard reached a settlement regarding claims they charged excessive interchange fees to merchants.
If your organization accepted Visa and/or Mastercard payments at anytime from January 1, 2004 to January 25, 2019, you may qualify to recover funds from the settlement.
Our expertise in the merchant services industry makes us uniquely qualified to maximize your payout by ensuring you recover any/all interchange fees to which you’re entitled. The claims process is currently targeted to begin in December.
We provide all claims processing and follow-up services. Our clients only pay us IF they have a successful claim. You may, of course engage directly with the Class Administrator and Class Counsel at no cost should you so choose by visiting the Court-approved website No one is required to sign up with any third-party service in order to participate in any settlement
Registration Form
Complete our Registration Form using information corresponding to your headquarters/primary location. If you own more than one business and the businesses operate as separate entities, we suggest you complete a primary enrollment form for each business.